Why Vasundhara Micron is the Top Talc Lumps Supplier & exporter

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Why Vasundhara Micron is the Top Talc Lumps Supplier & exporter

It’s no surprise that the Talc Lumps are extremely popular in India, as they have so many uses and are easy to apply in any number of different ways. It should come as no surprise, then, that the largest supplier of Talc Lumps in the nation would be Vasundhara Micron, based out of Rajasthan. What do they offer to their customers? Find out here!

How Vasundhara Micron became the top talc supplier in India

Vasundhara Micron became the top talc supplier in India by understanding the importance of talc powder exporter in India for various industries. Not only does our company provide talc lumps to many industries, but also we offer different grades of talc products to suit the needs of every customer.

Vasundhara Micron is a leading talc lumps supplier in India. and today enjoys a strong reputation as a leading supplier in India. Our company not only supplies various grades of talcum powder, including cosmetic grade that meets all international standards, but also offers customized services to suit the requirements of specific customers. These include tilling up with high quality natural ingredients for fragrance manufacturing or finishing with an anticorrosive agent for coating automobile wheels. All this adds up to make Vasundhara Micron one of the best suppliers of talcum powder in India and an integral part of many industrial processes across the country.

What is Talc Lumps

Talc lumps are a type of natural mineral that are used for a variety of applications. These lumps are primarily mined from deposits of talc ore and they have a wide range of uses. it's important to learn what these lumps are and how they're used. The importance of talc lumps suppliers like us can't be understated when considering their applications in various industries. If you need help deciding on the right materials for your application or want to find out more about talc lump suppliers like us, feel free to contact us at any time.

Importance of Talc Lumps for various industries:

1. Talcum powder - Talc has a number of properties that make it an ideal material for talcum powder. It's soft, doesn't have any smell or taste, and is non-toxic. It can also be used to control moisture and absorb humidity. For this reason, it's found in cosmetics, hair products, baby powders and antiperspirants.

2. Adhesives - Talc may also be mixed with other materials to create adhesive compounds. These compounds are then applied to surfaces as a coating which improves friction when surfaces rub together (for example, between paper and cardboard) so that they hold together more firmly. It's important for making automotive paint as well because of its high resistance to heat which helps prevent cracking during the paint curing process. As mentioned earlier, it's also crucial for the production of incense sticks because it prevents clumping. In fact, without talc dusts, many incense sticks would never reach their destination!

Types of talc lumps

There are various types of talc lumps suppliers in India, which include:

  • Potassium magnesium silicate (PMK)
  • Magnesium silicate
  • Calcium magnesium silicate - Natural talc
  • Calcium magnesium carbonate (CMC) - Fumed magnesia
Uses of Talc Lumps in various Industries

Talc Lumps are used in various industries and therefore, it is important to find the right supplier who can provide you with quality goods. We have been supplying customers for decades with quality products that meet their needs in terms of purity, size, and shape. We have an excellent customer service team that will be happy to answer any questions you may have about our products or services. Feel free to contact us today!


With the importance of talcum powder suppliers, it's important that you choose a company that you can trust. Vasundhara Micron has been supplying quality talcum powder to different industries.

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