Vasundhara Micron: Leading Calcite Powder Provider for Refractory Uses

The Refractory Uses of Calcite Powder
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Refractory materials oftentimes play a huge role in countless industrial processes and operations. In fact, it is also used in various specific scenarios. This is why a huge emphasis is placed on the quality of such materials, as well as the source for them. In this regard, one name stands out when it comes to the premier source of top-grade refractory materials - Vasundhara Micron. The company has been the leading refractory material supplier in India for many years. The focus of this paper is to give a brief overview of us and to discuss how they are the top Calcite powder manufacturer specifically for refractory uses.

Vasundhara Micron Overview

We are the premiere manufacturer for various types of refractory materials in the Indian subcontinent. They are all about quality and offer only the best materials for their customers. With over 27 years in the industry, we pride ourself on our expertise, credibility and consistent product quality. They are also ISO:9001 certified, so customers know that they can trust their products. The company is also dedicated to delivering the best value-for-money when it comes to their product offerings.

Calcite Powder Description & Characteristics

Calcite powder is one of the main constituent materials that we specializes in. The powder is a product of calcium carbonate that is widely used in many different industries due to its strong binding capacity and its ability to provide useful heat reflection. This, in turn, makes it very useful in a number of refractory applications. The powder also consists of a number of other essential minerals like iron, magnesium, and aluminum which all contribute to its strength and durability.

Uses of Calcite Powder

Calcite powder is used in a number of different industries. In the construction industry, it is used as an additive in different cement products, to produce reflective and durable surfaces in paintings and decorative items, and in the manufacturing of tiles, marble and mosaics. Calcite powder is used in a variety of paints and coatings to provide gloss and increased durability. It is also used in some pharmaceuticals and cosmetics to improve their consistency.

Process of Calcite Powder Manufacturing

The process of calcium carbonate powder manufacturing involves mining, grinding, milling, and packaging. The mining process involves the extraction of large amounts of Calcite ore from the earth. This is then grinded to a fine powder using various grinding machines. The mills used in the grinding process vary depending on the fineness of the powder required. The milled powder is then sieved and packed as per the desired specifications.

Machinery Available at Vasundhara Micron

We, one of the leading suppliers of natural calcite powder is well-equipped with modern machinery to process calcite ore into powder of desired fineness. It has ultra-fine grinding mills, air classifiers, disc grinders, and other sophisticated machinery to produce the best quality powder in different grades. Their machinery is highly efficient and abides by all safety norms.

Uses of Calcite Powder

Calcite powder from us can be used in a wide range of industries. It is commonly used as an additive in the production of plastics, tiles, paper and other common materials. It can also be used for various casting requirements in the production of jewelries and arts-and-crafts items. In the construction field, calcite powder has a wide range of applications such as in mortar production, and in the manufacture of white cement and even as a concrete base for buildings and structures.

Refractory Benefits of Calcite Powder from Vasundhara Micron

However, the greatest benefit that our calcite powder offer is its wide range of refractory benefits. This material is widely used in the refractory industry due to its superior binding capacity. It is also able to withstand extreme temperatures without breaking down or becoming damaged. This makes it a great choice when it comes to high-temperature fire-lining products or protecting components in industrial operations. In addition, our calcite is also able to provide protection against other physical and chemical factors such as erosion.

Quality Assurance and Packaging

We are committed to delivering the highest quality of calcite powder. The quality assurance process starts with raw material inspection and testing followed by several in-process checks. The field inspection team rigorously checks the product before its dispatch. The quality checks are conducted by qualified professionals. The final products are packed in airtight containers to ensure a healthy and safe delivery of the products to the customers.


We are one of the leading companies when it comes to manufacturing and supplying calcite powder for refractory uses. Calcite powder from Vasundhara Micron is highly durable and can withstand harsh conditions. It has superior binding capacity, which makes it ideal for fire-lining and erosion-resistant needs. Customers can also be assured of superior quality due to the company’s commitment to delivering high-quality products.

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